. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
we went crazy yesterdae while walking from the food court of PGP to the bus-stop...
we started hitting each other repeatedly...
albeit in the touch-only manner...
it got to a point where he put his arm around my neck and grabbed the hand nearer to him..
and the hand further away was deemed useless coz i couldnt reach his head...
it was funny coz it reminded me of some korean drama where they hit each other like mad...
when i mean mad...
i mean MAD...

it wasn't mad with the guy...
but it was fun...
though he messed up my hair and gave me countless forehead slaps...

NOC Shanghai is fine...
i'm not as affected as what WQ's blog says...
i don't want him not to go...
i just wished there was a better way to do it...

----Stef stopped rambling at 08:03
--Link to Post

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