. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
met up with yujin after so long...
he has been back from the UK for a couple of months...
and we finally went out for dinner and drinks after he msged me on friendster...
i changed my HP number without telling him...
it was so long since we last met...
that i had the jittery 'blind date' feeling prior to the meet-up...
not that it was a date-like date...
but it was probably because we havent met in so long...
to the extent that i thought i forgot how he looked...
i have a bad memory...
dinner at din tai fung was his treat...
and drinks at punggol park was mine...
discovered for the first time that he was a total geek...
studying before school starts...
topping his cohort...
discussing excitedly the importance and irreplacibility of shipping in the present world...
not that it was boring...
just that i never knew (that he was such a geek)...
but truth is...
he has always been an interesting person to speak to...
and i dare say that that was a gross understatement...
but i always feel i gained a truckload of information just after one evening...
it's his quest for information and willingness to share...
something i definitely lack and would love to have...

day in the office was also made interesting with relationship talks...
colleagues were lamenting the many "love you forever and ever", "i want to marry you" & "you are the one for me"...
and how the men never ever meant those...
then it occured to me...
the guy never said any of these to me...
and neither have i to him...
so i just wondered whether it was a cause for concern...
whats the point of being together if marriage (aka ultimate togetherness) is not on your agenda?
talked to the guy about this...
i love making him talk coz he doesnt like to...
but when he does...
he either says things like "i dunnoe", "i just do" or breaks in utterly profound explanations...
explanations that are fundamentally correct and logical...
to the extent that i feel dumb for asking dumb questions...
i dont know whether to deem the both of us mature and rational...
for not promising promises we know we might never keep...
or conclude that we are both afraid to commit...
sometimes i ask him questions like how many kids he would like to have in future...
and he says two...
only to follow up with comments like it being too early to discuss this...
not that i am hinting anything...
but i just wonder...

i think it's better not to be promised anything...
and take each day as a surprise and a good one at that...
there is little that is worse than the feeling of disappointment...

----Stef stopped rambling at 01:52
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