. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
the guy sent me home in the new van a few nights back...
his dad just bought one for the company coz delivering goods with the fuel-consuming car can be quite expensive indeed....
his mom was very worried about his precious son...
telling me twice before she went to bed to keep an eye on his driving...
asking him to take the car instead...
and as usual, he loves to go against her wishes...
she was worried especially since he has always been driving the automatic car...
but he said he would be fine...

so for a good kilometre...
we were driving with the hand brake engaged...
he was desperately flooring the accelerator...
wondering why the van was so bloody slow...
we thought it was normal...
and i thought it would take forever to get home...
until we stared a little at the little red sign on the dashboard...

he is a little jerky with the change of gears....
and very impatient about the acceleration...
forever complaining that everyone was overtaking him...
funny since he is usually quite fast with the car...
quite careless too...
since the big dent in his dad's prized purple car is partially caused by him...

it has been fun climbing in and out of the van...
the sound system's pretty good and we end up bobbing to hip hop on the ride home...

Thank you for Smoking is a pretty good movie by the way...
very funny...
and very clever...
once again reaffirming my belief that the gift of the gab is really the best gift of all...
'cause if you argue right, you can never be wrong...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:19
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