. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
a few nights ago we came very close to calling it quits...
i kinda sparked it all...
and it just went from there...
but we were both so tired we fell asleep while sms-ing...
only to wake up wondering how we left off...
we met up the next evening promising to talk about it...
meeting for dinner...
where we behaved as if nothing happened at all...
naturally, because we have always been that comfortable with one another...
and talked for a short while over at his place...
while watching Sharapova and Cljsters in their respective matches...

we agreed to try achieve middle ground...
the all elusive one...
he needs space...
i need attention...
and other less obvious contrasts in characters...

i do want us to work...
not because it has been 18 months...
not because i dont want to be single...
but everytime i think about how we actually got together...
it brings a smile to my face...

the FRIENDS stage...
the HOLDING BACK not knowing how the other party felt...
the REVELATION after many months...
the HIDING from from our mutual friends not knowing how they'd react...
so it's easier for him to dump me...

i look back and i think...
why would i want to throw it all away?
coz i'll never find somebody like him
not that i want to in the first place...

----Stef stopped rambling at 00:44
--Link to Post

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