. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
day out with the guy was cool...
other than the fact that he was picking on my new necklace...
and that he refused to wear the nice pinkish-white Mambo shirt...
it was a semi double date with xy and yd...
coz we had dinner and movie together...
Wimbledon tennis and soccer back at his place...
watched Agassi's last match...
and i fell asleep during the second half of England - Portugal...
only to wake up for the penalties...
and to be seen sleeping like a pig by his mom...
who came back from her mahjong session...

Brazil lost...
i is blardy sad...
i stayed awake for this match la...

and i think i know the answer to my question yesterday...
i'll pick the guy over anything, anytime...

----Stef stopped rambling at 04:47
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