. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i am blardy excited...
it's my first day of work tomorrow!
and i got a blardy big pimple below my nose and it doesnt seem to want to go away...
i'm booked all throughout next week...
and i dont know if thats good or bad...
just that i'd kinda like a day or two with no plans...
just to be able to fit MORE stuff in!
monday evening will be my Sea Sports Camp AAR...
tuesday evening will be with Weili and Melissa discussing our little 'business venture'...
wednesday evening will be *hopefully* previewing Da Vinci's Code with the guy...
thursday evening will be shopping and warm chocolate cakes with Sin Yee...
friday evening will be Black Angus with his parents...
and i havent decided on the weekend's plans...

met the 0102ers briefly before my course in the afternoon just now...
managed to do a quick lunch...
before running away...
at least i bought drinks...
else would have felt even more guilty...
your mom's cooking's real great!
thanks for having us over!
organzing such gatherings is really a pain in the ass...
i should really try to organize one and not let the usual suspects do all the work...

time to pack my bag...
and pick out something to wear tomorrow...

----Stef stopped rambling at 22:31
--Link to Post

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