. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i think the guy's Taiwanese culture is really getting to me...
in a good way of course...
i am like MAD about Taiwanese variety shows...
and being in PGP without cable is very torturous indeed...
i even gave up and started watching Chn 8...
but yeah...
i love all the weekday late night variety shows...
kang yong dang jia without xiao S is no fun...
but xiao qi da cai shen....
tao se dan bai zhi...
and other talk shows are oh-so-great...
they are so funny and not in the Chn 8 lame sorta way...
i have no idea why our programs cant be more like theirs...
zeng guo cheng and xu nai ying rules!

----Stef stopped rambling at 21:00
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