. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
Munich was a good movie...
though i must say, it was painful to watch...
...the seemingly senseless shootings...
...the hate, anger...
...the love, passion, loyalty...
and how everything's never what they seem to be....
it's as though you have to be constantly wary of the world...
which is very very tiring indeed...
Eric Bana was good...
i loved him in Troy...
so i might be biased...
but it's a good movie to catch...
showed the human side of terrorism...
puts emotions to the guns, the blood, the bombs...
i see a better picture now...
the picture that there is no picture...
...that everyone can agree on...

being out with the guy...
acting silly...
talking without thinking...
spontaneous outbursts of energy...
fashioning a puppet out of my sweater sleeve...
therapeutic really...

it's 3 am...
i need to be up by 8 am...
trust insomnia to strike at the most appropriate times...

----Stef stopped rambling at 02:49
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