. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
it's whirlwind of two weeks into school..
so fast...
and i'm already dying...
even though i havent started on the labs and the tutorials...
it's mad...
plus all the projects piling up...
i'm already feeling stretched...
Justin will probably feel 10 times worse...
coz he studies 5 times as hard...
has twice as many projects...
and has the websites to maintain...
am sorta glad the Seletar Speed Crossing has no news since...
shall hide until they decide to start work on it...

and my jolly good timetable this sem...
it sucks!
especially the 7-hour marathon on Monday...
all recommended modules by the way...
and i thought i would have short days considering how all my days start at 10am...
boy, am i WRONG!
i dont know whether all this crap is worth its while...
what life?

the ultra fantastic windsurf webby...
click on it to enter...
it even has a "shop" now...
where you get buy our windsurf t-shirts...
and i contributed to this masterpiece by Justin ok?
i made the NTU Open and ITWC buttons...
and did the write-ups ok?
it's soooooo FANtastic!

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:57
--Link to Post

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