. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
its CNY soon...
in like an hour...
it's been mad...
trying to finish up work so that i can fully enjoy the CNY...
but its quite impossible...
and i've clogged up a backlog of work...
plus getting stuff ready for the bazaar when we get back to school...
sea sports camp stuff...
windsurf stuff...
going mad...
finally mailed out those cheques for the Singapore Open...
watched a few movies over the last two weeks...
Cheaper by the Dozen 2...
where i cried like mad...
Memoirs of a Geisha...
which i enjoyed as a book...
in which i cried as well...
when Jet Li lost his family....
been out with the guy a tad too much...
but i cant get enough of him!

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:04
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