. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
Great things that happened in 2005
  1. the guy.
  2. getting my first full A in Visualization
  3. the formation of formidable NUS Windsurf 05/06
  4. Taiwan
  5. NUS Windsurfing Training Camp
  6. YXY studying with me for Yr2, Sem1 exams
  7. sister staying strong through her bout of appendicitis
  8. NUS winning Inter Tertiary Windsurfing Championships
  9. getting neighbours like Diana, Sin Yee and Wang Wen
  10. pulled through the 26th Singapore Open as part of organizing comm

i know it's not much...
and some not very significant...
but yeah...
2005 was great...
and it was all because of you.

----Stef stopped rambling at 03:02
--Link to Post

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