. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i am fine again!
so poor shaun had to put up with my nonsense during fluids lecture...

i wonder how my blog will sound like if i wrote in full sentences, continuous prose....
let's try...
i just like this format very much...
'coz it's like in point form...
and it makes my reading very easy....

It was kind of expected that i would recover after last night. It was, after all, a Wednesday and everyone knows what Wednesdays are to me. I tried to finish up at least a couple of paragraphs of the dreadful essay, so that i can leave school without guilt. The essay sits nicely on the bottom of Page 9 right now, though i seriously need much more work before the weekend hits. I kind of want to enjoy this final weekend before the mad mugging for the exams.

Dropped by the library last night to pick up a book from the holdshelf, it was the last day before they opened it up to another person. The book was huge, so i gave it a good flip to make sure I did not need anything from it before passing it back to the nice uncle at the Loans Desk. I hung around awhile prior to that, because my keen eye spied the EE tutor in the library too.

Talking about tutors, probably only Suli knows about my crush on the Statics tutor last semester. Till now, she convinces me to go to Mechanics laboratory earlier than i usually would, just so i can spot him, because she did twice. This most coveted position has been taken by our 2143 tutor this semester. That slightly accented drawl of his, charming sense of humour and yeah, he made me understand how diodes can work as voltage clippers, personally. But, before anyone starts to regurgitate this evening's meal on their keyboard, hah, I'm only kidding.

That is probably because I'm still having this major crush on the guy and with that, I meant, The Guy. He is probably the only motivation for me to take a 45 mins bus ride, a 10 min walk and a very nervous ring of the doorbell followed by a fearful, "Uncle! xie xie ni!" The Guy rocks, really. How else do you expect anyone to put up with my frequent spur-of-the-moment allegations, demanding why he doesn't buy me my chocolates or how come he doesn't call me before i call him? (I'd probably answer my own question then, "because i call him every 6 hrs?")

It was a simple evening of The Late Show with David Letterman, Saturday Night Live, How I met your Mother and, of course, the indisposable Taiwanese varieties. The highlight of the night was probably the trip to his parents office though, because the smarty-pants left his handphone there. The other smarty-pants, a.k.a. yours truly, left his tutorial and CD-RW he passed to me to bring back home, in the office and realised it only when we got back.

I didn't have dinner, but I ended up polishing off his dinner of dumplings. We ordered McDonald's later into the night and i had a good time trying to transform my $2.00 McChicken into a $3.60 McSpicy Double by dumping chilli sauce on it. I never knew McChickens were just $2.00, I reckon i would be doing more of such transformations to save that moo-lah for a short trip this holidays.

Holidays. I am trying very hard to psycho myself to take a trip without The Guy this December. He is going on a trek with his friends, though he very endearingly asked if i could come along. I'm really trying to have my own life as much as possible, but it is really hard when I enjoy his company so much. Truly. I'm gunning for a Thailand trip pretty much, Diana seems keen and she has friends there. YUMMY!

so much for a entry with proper structure...
i'm pooped...

----Stef stopped rambling at 20:03
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