. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i'm glad that neither of us are the clubbing sort...
i never stepped into clubs of any sort here in sg...
which is superbly mountain-tortoisey...
but i dont give a damn...
and he detests giving away his money like that...
for the entry...
for the drinks...
to the cab driver...
but the reason why i'm truly glad is...

he started moving to the music....
copying Wil Ferrell as a cheerleader in an episode of Saturday Night Live...
with some major hip work...
while i thought it was freaking funny and fell to the floor laughing...
i seriously hoped that is not what it looks like when he goes clubbing with his friends...
i would probably dive headfirst into his duvet....
never to emerge and face the world again...

----Stef stopped rambling at 12:03
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