. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i know this is really quick to put up another post after the big-assed one b4 this...
but it just struck me...
so i have to put this down...

the SC girls were talking under the shade while the guys were playing volleyball...
that what we want in a relationship changes all the time...
so it's not hard to have a change in heart...
and cass mentioned something that i found so true...
that what we really want now...
being so busy with school and stuff...
is to be a xiao nu ren...
the idea used to gross me out like totally...
but i find it so true now...
we can be all nu qiang ren-ish out there in front of other people...
that what we need in our bfs is the ability to take a lead...
so that we dont have to think of anything, like where to eat, what to do...
it's all thought of by the guy...
just that...
and it feels so good already...

thanks for being that and more.

----Stef stopped rambling at 18:57
--Link to Post

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