. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

i think cuddling up with a loved one is one of the nicest things you can do...
especially with the pseudo-cold of the aircon...
we can just lay curled up in bed...
watching TV...
and feel so contented...
at least i do...
but it seriously doesnt just have to be your significant other...
even at home...
my family would just squeeze into the parents' bedroom...
where we have a decent-sized TV...
and watch crappy chn8 dramas all nite long...
the 3 kids (including me) and my dad would be squashed together on the bed...
while my mom takes the swivel chair...
and does the finances during the commercials...
stuff like that...
i think it kinda bonds the whole family...
making us closer than most families are...
and i think that rocks...

he tickles me until i struggle and bang my head on the wall...
so he promised not to tickle me today...
and i had a field day trying to find out where he feels ticklish...

----Stef stopped rambling at 02:14
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