. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i know it's pretty sick that i'm like drooling like mad here...
but it's rare that i would do something like this...
considering how everyone-is-pretty-or-handsome-all-the-same i am...
hate to judge a person on looks...
but this...
(small pics coz i'm lazy...
wont click and save the big ones...
i'm not THAT siao la...)
da names Melissa Theuriau...
for more drooling...
visit this...



god is unfair...

if i ever turn les...

this is the reason why....

i promise to stay up to date with the latest news...

by watching the news every nite...

if only i lived in france or spoke french...

wah lau eh....*nosebleed*

hot huh?

that gaze....

oh, that pout...

i'm sick...
with da flu and tissues stuffed up my nose...
think the nostrils grew wider by a couple mm...
and i'm not turning les...
hope he doesnt visit the blog...
he might just dump me into the drain outside his house and migrate to france...

----Stef stopped rambling at 01:30
--Link to Post

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