. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
havent met serene for some time...
probably like at least a month ago...
for xiao long baos at suntec...
with jieying and her...
but today...
after days of shopping with other individuals...
and being broke...
we decided to rot at her place and bake cornflake cookies...
it was enjoyable...
just a day of suaning each other like we always do...
and catching up...
and updating one another about our mutual friends...

here's the cookie fiasco...
a pretty simple cookie...
but a great activity to bond with ur closest pals with...

corny stuff...
i never exactly liked cornflakes in milk...
coz they're not sweet...
and they taste normal...
i like them in cookies though...
and in chocs...
cookies i get to eat during CNY...
and chocs...
whenever i feel light enough to down an entire block...
which equates to NEVER...
but its the yellow packaging on...
Richter Sport?
dunnoe how to spell...
but i'm sure you know...

i remember how i needed one tablespoon for my lasagne back in PGP...
and bought the entire pack...
coz some lousy ediot forgot to bring some from home...
dumped the entire pack when i moved out though...
too much hassle for just a few cents...
the oven in my house is a goner...

i think we used less butter than we should have...
but oh well...
butter is bad for you rite?
cannot take too much of it...
but i think it explains why we were having a bit of a problem trying to get the cookies to stick...
maybe it's too much flour also...
the cookies turned out edible...
so phew!

vanilla essence...
was fighting tooth and nail with rene abt whether vanilla essence is the same as vanilla flavour...

preserved cherries...
bought a whole pack just to use 2.5 pieces...
they really know how to cheat our money...
i wasnt too keen about buying it to decor the cookies though...
always thought they looked cheesy...
but they did make the cookies look less boring...
thank goodness for serene and her insistence...

rene's pink weighing scale!
where we weighed...
300g of flour...
260g of sugar...
200g of cornflakes...
250g of butter...
(it came in a block...)
6 teaspoons of vanilla essence...
and 2 pinches of salt...
the last three wasnt by the weighing scale...

mix the butter and the sugar together...
rene refused to get fine sugar...
and made me stir and stir till the cows came home...
slavery i tell you...
but she was smart to go shopping for groceries before we had lunch...
then we can allow the butter to melt at the same time...
the sugar was a handful i tell you...
fine sugar works 10times better....

a trying task...
we decided to adjourn to the TV...
actually it's just me...
i made her take that photo...
wanted to emphasize how mundane our day turned out to be...
that i rather watch round, circular things on TV than talk to her...
but wanted to show the huang lian po in us...
you will see rene in her ugly handband later...

rene doing the mixing...
this is where you throw in 2 egg yolks...
ur vanilla essence...
the cornflakes...
and the flour...
it takes kungfu to make sure you dont smash the cornflakes...
rene just posing...
only i have the exclusive knowledge of the kungfu...

the cherry bits for deco...
i really think you dont want to know how they became like that...
think on the lines of being blown into bits...
little pieces...
not really...
but how we had to grab the cherries using our unsanitised fingers...
and scissoring them into bits...
you really dont have to know...

scoop the refridgerated mixture into paper skirts...
(dont look if you ate the cookies...
might be nauseating...)
in short...
we actually grabbed like a biteful of cornflakes...
put them in our palm...
squeeze like there's no tomorrow...
until it becomes one lump...
and put it in the paper skirts...
told you you wont want to know...

trayful of unbaked cookies...
looks unappetising coz of bad lighting...
i know my photography ok...
somebody buy me a decent cam plz...
bake the darn things for 15-20 mins in a 180degree oven...

rene and her pink gloves...
damn auntie...
but quite cute also la...
the gloves...
not her...

baked to golden-brown perfection!
focused the wrong way...
should be on the nearer cookie...
oh well...
but dont they look delectable!?!?!!
the ONLY answer is YES...
repeat after me: "Yes."

packed it in a lunchbox for the guy...
wah lau...
special delivery to PF somemore...
take two buses...
walk damn far...
he'd better appreciate!

good day...
we're admist talks of chocolate cake next week too!
stay tuned!

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:47
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