. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
have been reading up on blogs...
and the recent SPG bare-it-all bared more than a pair of boobs...
i wasnt concerned about her bare-it-all...
every woman sees the same things in the mirror...
and some men, have the resources to...
save for the different dimensions...
but i was disturbed by the stuff she wrote...
by all means...
she has the right to write what she wants...
i'm not disputing that...
but i find it very hard to swallow that people on various other blogs defend that...
saying that she has 'maturity in thought' and can 'handle her sexuality'...
and are "impressed"...
i'm not saying thats wrong either...
am just very perturbed...
utterly confused...
is this what we consider as ideal behaviour?
being a belt-at-the-waist ex-convent girl...
i find it hard to accept it all...
not in any personal sense...
just the entire issue as a whole...
she has been likened to Samantha from Sex and the City...
but once again...
do we need western influence to penetrate our fragile culture?
must we embrace Americanisation as if it were vital to our development?
arent we simply just trying to follow it all blindly?
as if it's something inevitable...
"hey...SATC talks abt it all the time...why not we have sg's version...in text?"
i'm not saying that we should not try to be more liberal in our thinking...
but somehow i think that there should be a limit to things...
she engaging in casual sex and blogging it...
is one thing...
people looking up to her and putting her on a pedestral is another...
viv said her fame might be what is disturbing me...
sour grapes?
i dont want grapes of this sort...
over the years...
i post pictures sometimes...
and talk about all the things close to heart
with no regard for the anonymity that this journal was meant to have...
attention seeking?
but ney...
i think i know the limits...
maybe i should just limit my blog surfing more...
to people i actually know...
and not be the ti-ko-peh...
peeking into others' blogs just coz they have naked pics...

*update: on hindsight, heck what i said. i do remember me advocating freedom of speech in blogs with no restrictions on content because what a person writes, is part of the person's life. And like the way i like keeping things whole, they choose to tell the whole world about it too. Fine by me, just that i choose to leave certain things out i guess, selective blogging. Which IS contradicting what i said about keeping things as a whole, oh well, i think i just want the whole to consist of Happy Stuff, and only if i'm comfortable, noteworthy Sad Stuff too.

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:37
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