. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
although i did pretty badly...
the guy did pretty well...
so i kinda redeemed myself in front of my parents by shifting the focus to his results...
and they seemed pretty pleased with it...
they must be thinking what an idiot i am...
so happy he did well...

brought bro and eugene out for lunch and Madagascar...
not bad the show...
but alot of the jokes are already on the trailers...
still a good laugh though...
ate pizza hut for lunch...
not bad la...
just that most of the money came from my pocket...
so am feeling the pinch...

assessment tomorrow...
for the instructor course...
really hope i'll pass it...
after that still got 4 assessments!
hope to chop chop finish them all!
then when he comes back...
i can go back to being his full-time irritant!

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:57
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