. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
sis is finally back from the hospital...
regained most of her cheery self...
which is really good...
hope she stays strong...
know it hurts...
even if it means even more painful cramps for me next month...
i pray that she doesnt hurt that much anymore...
pains me to see my parents so stressed out like that...
sat was my dad's 50th birthday...
not only we din do anything for him...
he had to run ard like mad...
shuttling between SGH and home...
i feel so freaking bad...
not being able to do more than i already can...

instructor course for the next 3 days...
hope i pass the sailing test...
hope i dont piss the starfish off anymore...
with my inability to keep to the centerline...
hope i can chop chop pass everything...
then i can bring my bro go watch madagascar...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:13
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