. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

the previous entry is a total lie...
the fact is...


wah lau...
it's like really bad la...
sometimes i wanna knock myself on the head when i recalled that i said "it's okay..."
when he asked if i was alright with the fact that he was having a week of R & R with the group...
after the trip proper...
it is the right answer...
i know i should/would/must give him the opportunity to have a good time...
even though it's without me around...

him calling me like everyday is crazy enough...
bet his mates over there are like...
wat the heck?
his gf makes him call back every single day...
usually he makes the call first...
but maybe it's because i told him how i cannot sleep when he doesnt call...
i hope i din send him the wrong signal...
while it's true that i miss him so much...
and want to talk to him every single day...
i really dont want him to feel obligated to call me every day...
it's becoming such a habit...
that i feel sour that he didnt call me today when yesterday he told me he would...
but still...
i appreciate his efforts...
love him to bits.

he called today...
spoke for the longest ever...
coz i told him...
i didnt really wanna hang up...
although i told him to sleep early...
and he said we didnt have to...
so we carried on talking...
he sounded really tired...
so it was me doing most of the talking...
he'll be back in like 2+ weeks... w
ont start a countdown yet...
but looking forward to it...

----Stef stopped rambling at 02:06
--Link to Post

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