. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
instructor course today...
at least today wasnt as bad as last week...
was supposed to have lunch with my coursemates...
end up oni me and mingle at airport BK...
but it wasnt too bad...
he's a great person to talk to...
great sense of humour and wit...
and is super nice also...
sailing today...
so we didnt get to hear much of starfish...
and somehow, he likes my gybes...
so, phew...
during the sailing assessment...
i was freaking riding on waves...
and that felt soOOoo good...
despite not having a big sail...
nor harness...
nor super duper board...
it just felt super good to put to use a skill that past coaches and seniors taught you...

mood wasnt entirely good after the episode last nite...
didnt and wont go into it...
but something today made me so entirely happy...
dont even know why...
boo's family came down to the beach today...
his wife...
and his two young boys...
the picture of a happy family...
was so perfectly blissful...
it just got me smiling for no reason or other...
boo borrowed my rig to take the older one out for a ride...
a loOOoooong ride...
not that i mind...
the boy was so terribly cute...
kept screaming in delight...
the little one was even cuter...
walked over to me...
gave me a pebble and a seashell...
and ran away...
wah lau eh...
the bf never gave me pebbles or seashells ok...
the teeny boy was sOOOOOOOOooo cute...
buay ta han...

met dilun for sakae sushi and The Amityville Horror...
was only ten minutes late...
mingle and i...
really super duper thanks to jeremy and the ride to suntec...
he dropped us liaoz...
then kena stuck in jam...
so kelian...
but he totally went out of the way to give us a ride...
The Amityville Horror...
bad show...
i dont mean bad as in bad...
but super scary shyt...
Happy Birthday, fren...
may your pinkie recover...

----Stef stopped rambling at 01:18
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