. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
finally got down to making the lasagna rolls i've been wanting to make for ages...
according to the boyfriend...
it was not too bad...
save for the overly generous sauce topping...
but it was an interesting experience, to say the least...
rolling up rolls...
with hotdogs and cheese inside...
stuffing them with more cheese...
laying them out and dumping sauce on it...
was pretty yummy really...
thoroughly enjoyed my portion...
though i'm not sure if i can say the same about him...
am definitely getting more experimentative with cooking these days...
though i'm not cooking alot...
but it's pretty fun trying out things you never tried before...
praying/hoping that it'll turn out at least edible...
he was having class during the production process...
so he didnt have any hand in it...
but having mixed feelings about groaning that he never helps out...
or having the xiao nu ren mentality of being glad just to be able to cook for him...
coz i am definitely not xiao nu ren...
i am glad though...
happy that he's even willing to put the suspicious-looking thing in his mouth...
having been poisoned by me before...
that plus the fact that he never fails to make noise in the kitchen...
that i'm doing a onion overkill...
or that i should cook the meat longer...

oh well...
maybe i'll be glad with a wee bit of an appreciation...

while i'm on the topic...
was just thinking when was the last time you gave me a surprise...
or gave me anything for that matter?
that sounds terribly demanding...
no lah...
i'm not asking for anything (BIG)...
just wondering out loud...
(might be useful to note that a girl usually means the opposite of wad she says)
though you seldom treat me like girl in the first place...
come to think of it...
i havent been doing nice stuff for you too...
except for cooking for you...
buying you ur mango tea...
folding notes...
oh well...
ignore this whole para...
i'm just having a whimsical moment...
i'm just glad to have you by my side...
that alone is worth more than anything you can do...

way behind in my schoolwork...
revision for the big exam...
and i'm doing this...
need to destress...
not like i'm not destressing enough...
every hour he msns me to play solitaire showdown...
i'm not complaining though...
addicted to it...
though i never seem to be able to win him...

it's quite eeky to be with someone who is better than you in almost everything...
it sucks...
to say the least...
doesnt help the failing ego...
the lack of one...
the rapid decline of self-esteem...
and all...
i guess it's one of the love-hate kind of things...
you love him for being so smart and know-it-all...
yet hate him for being so smart and know-it-all...
oh well...
i think the former is still the dominant feeling...
at least you know that you have the option of dropping out of school...
and living off him for the rest of your life...

yeah rite...

for now...
i'm just glad he's willing to drive all the way down from home to pick me...
so that we can watch soccer together...
at least the first half...
before i doze off..

i'm sorry for being so un-private in my entry today...
just had so many emotions running inside me...
that you might want to know as well...
you're the only one with my blog addy...
or at least, i think u're the only one...

----Stef stopped rambling at 17:56
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