. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
my tuesdays alwaz end with a terrible headache...
and either the feeling of triumph having understood the cheemalogies of the day...
or in deep depression of all that i could not grasp in the entire 8hrs...
such are USP modules...
actually only the ones that i'm taking now i guess...
being my first time diving head first into econs...
doing Economic Policy Analysis when i dont even have the bare essentials of econs...
or trying to do business analysis with my Decision Making class...
i dont know whether to feel as if engin mods were better suited for me...
coz i think i'm doing equally bad in both...
engin and usp...
which is really sad actually...

today was one of the rarer occasions that i felt involved during econs...
i didnt do the tutorial...
but i did skim through almost all of the 11 readings...
becoz each was, on average, a 1000-word article full of economics jargon...
i felt interested...
in the flow...
and when i felt as if i was truly learning something...
we were discussing big stuff...
history of co-operatives like NTUC...
nation politics with regards to aviation...
while i did not catch the econs part...
i felt the discussion was fruitful...
and i walked out of tutorial understanding much more about collusions, supermarkets, GLCs, national pride, aviation industries, jobs and how they can be interlinked...
it felt as if a whole new world was opened in front of me...
things i never saw b4....
or bothered to find out about...
THIS is what learning is about...
...not scoring well in exams...
though i'm pretty sure i have to...
else all that i've absorbed today would be deemed obsolete...

today was also one of the rarer ocassions that i attempted the tutorial for DM...
my presentation for my case kinda screwed up...
largely due to my fault...
and i feel superbly bad for it...
but what was more pressing is the fact that my prof didnt really address my qn...
which i approached him with after klass...
it was a counter to his solution...
and i really needed an answer coz i was pretty sure of mine...
but he simply dismissed my argument...
while tidying up his stuff...
only fueling my frustration with his apparent nonchalance...
he is a nice prof...
and i know that...
so it was kinda =P for me...
oh well...
i'll just go back to staring at it more...
with more intensity...
*if you hear about fire in PGP...
maybe i morphed into cyclops...*

i'm fine...
just abit sore...
that my enthusiasm and effort...
was not met with understanding...
coz i'm not alwaz this hardworking ya know?
and also that i thot i had something over my prof...
rare to catch ur prof with a mistake ya?

1. my lappy broke a diving record today...
...nosedived from 1m to the hard marble floor...
2. not-so-small-sized guy squashed my poor toes when the bus jerked...
...that included my ugly blue-blacked with dried blood one...
3. i did okay for my econs response paper...
...even though i confused my prof with my own confusion abt market structures...
4. i finally had my potato salad...
...after wanting to eat it for 1 week...
5. my econs klassmate, who happens to be lu's BMT buddy, doesnt like my smell...
...he waits for me to sit down first before taking a seat far away from me...

...coz i dunnoe what to feel about today...
will blog photos to attempt to salvage my sliding mood...

----Stef stopped rambling at 18:34
--Link to Post

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