. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
windsurfed twice since i got back from thailand on thursday...
kickass sia...
winds are power packed...
and the indon wsfers like Oka and the younger beach boys gave me weird looks when i told them i'm doing soft sail today...
oh well...
but am so happy that oka remembered me...
and wished me a merry xmas...
he's my ouxiang of the ouxiangs...
and i think he's just so power....
but overheard some guys at the beach saying that oka became more faggoty since the last time we saw him...
oh well...
he's still the ultra nice guy who remembers the small fry like me...
actually another younger indon waved to me first...
but i dont really know him...
coz cant really remember what soprandi looks like...
feel bad...
but felt good...

sailed with the wsf comm pple...
and tried teaching a kid how to wsf...
not that easy....
coz i was swimming and treading water all the time...
soft sail is hard to get used to once again...
after all the big talk...
i think i'm doing quite badly and my peers are unimpressed...
will have to stop relying on harnesses soon...
went for dinner at fish and co...
yummy seafood platter...
ate alot...
what's new?
and had my favourite yoghurt...

checked my results...
did super badly...
worst of all my frenz i think...
and the worse part is...
i have no excuse for doing badly...
and that sucks...

*bad mood*

----Stef stopped rambling at 22:34
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