. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
regardless of how insignificant some things can be...
i'm a happy girl today...
very happy indeed...
even though nuthing happened...
and it'll go down as one of the few memories i'll hold on tight to...

...at least for now...

sometimes i just wish i can fast forward time...
and see what to expect in the future...
but does it mean if i know for sure its not possible....
i wont fall in now?
coz i think i already did...

it alwaz begins like this...
the sweetness and niceness of it all only sucks you in....
the feeling after that sucks to the max...
but we still allow it to happen to us ya?

i guess it works on the same logic as...
how you would choose the weirdest writers and movie to write for your term paper...
and at the end of the day...
regret that very choice...
coz it's so painful to write...
and you end up with an unhappy ending...
a terrible grade...

i dont know wat to wish for anymore...
it'll come to a point when liking him would prove itself too painful...
i have a low threshold for pain...
is this little occasional joy worth the impending sorrow?

i'm hoping he'll never chance upon this blog...

----Stef stopped rambling at 01:58
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