. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
lots of thoughts have been running through my mind actually...
especially when someone i spoke to said something about "depression, loneliness, having no one to turn to, stress"...
i guess in a sense it does apply to me as well...
just a matter of how much...
its a swinging thing...
sometimes it feels terrible...
sometimes it doesnt...
not that i do often...
but the question of "to love or be loved" comes ard again...
it's not that its a huge issue...
but i cant decide whether the contemplation is due to the negativity of it all...
or that i am really considering the possibility...
i cant tell whether i enjoy his company simply as a fren...
or that i was really hoping that something would actually develop from it...
not that i'm darn hoping it would...
but i dont know...
sometimes it happens all too often for me to differentiate between what i really feel and wat i joke to my frenz about...
it sux...
i'm just one confused individual...
not knowing what to do...
i know i'm not the kind of person he is looking for...
i know...

he sat to my right yesterday...
couldnt help but steal glances...
praying hard he does not notice...
he didnt...
he wouldnt...
he couldnt have...
maybe it should just remain this way...
i think i'm hoping it does...

this isnt the time...
and i know that...
i have a crap load of things to do...
i better get down to doing them...
so that i'll, at least, make it pass sem1...

will go down for surfing this weekend...
i will...

----Stef stopped rambling at 14:06
--Link to Post

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