. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
most of us felt that today's lab was a total waste of time...
considering it was engine day...
and there was only lab in the morning...
but oh well...
at least i made a new fren in klass...
met joseph near the bus stop...
poor guy was lost coz he got confused as to which block it was...
so we went to find s14 together...
stupid me chose to sit under the freezing aircon...
joseph was nice enough to offer a change of seats...
but considering how un-fat he actually is...
i think i better let him remain where he was...
math lab was strangely slack...
jason and pals left after like 3/4 hrs?
kelvyn stayed back...
but was dying to leave...
so in the end some of us left after 1.5 hours?
jonathan, eric, penny, kelvyn and i...
which was mean to the Lab Assistant...
but it was painfully boring...

in the end kelvyn and i went to LT6....
to check out some career booth...
guy thought it was something big...
dragged me all the way there...
and it turned out to be one puny table...
but at least we managed to get food...
and collect our lab reports....
i got a 7/10...
coz the guys got 8!
maybe it was because i kept asking the TA stupid questions...
and he super buay ta han...
slacked ard somemore at the co-op browsing through books and stuff...
before heading back to kr and pgp...

am glad that i'm finally getting to know my klassmates better...
when i first stepped into tutorial with d08...
i thought alot of them were kinda dao and everything?
after speaking to some on msn...
i mean crapping actually...
and hanging out in school...
i think i'm beginning to enjoy being in the klass...
even though the majority of them are male...
average about 2 girls per tutorial...
different pple come and go..
coz of tutorial clashes...
but i think i'm the kind who get along better with most guys than some girls...
though i DO get along well with girls...
not sure if i mentioned before...
i'm quite 'guy' by nature?
so girls who are too 'girl' kinda make me uncomfortable ya know?

tests next week...
now i'm desperately trying to finish my george orwell book...
nineteen eighty-four...
scary stuff...
quite interesting...
but the fact that i'm reading it for academic purposes kinda spoils it all...
oh well...
been reading the book all over campus...
my engin klassmates are thinking that i so chiong...
got time for leisure reading...
until i tell them its for a module...
oh well...
i'm 2/3s into the book...
hope to finish by the weekend...
so that i can concentrate on the midterm tests....

wsfing comm steamboat later...
exciting stuff...
food food and more food...
cant wait actually...
but think i should go do my laundry now...
so that i can chiong my weekend away in peace...
life in uni is really life IN uni...
i hope i'll be able to spare some time for a movie or dinner outside though...

----Stef stopped rambling at 15:16
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