. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
yesterdae was supposedly my last day at work...
but i guess it wasnt really so...
was expected to handover to pecilia when she comes back on monday...
see through the large project on hand now...
will be missing the interesting shoots coz i have to be in NUS...
but i think i might drop by as much as i can...
boss man and chian are going for an overseas shoot monday onwards...
am kinda lost...
trying to get them to handover what they've been handling on to me...
so that they'll be ready to continue on this project once they get back...

not sure if i posted about being in the cab with don and boss once...
then asked boss abt shoot schedules and what not...
told the cabby we're going ann siang road...
then he asked if we're going to 28 ann siang rd...
was surprised that he knew...
but i guess he knows its a ad house there...
cabby asked if we have any vacancies...
i was the oni one who understood him...
coz he spoke mandarin...
remembered boss wanted a asisstant...
coz chian's going full-time as photographer...
turns out his daughter was at la selle...
and is interested in photography...
passed him a namecard...
daughter came a couple of times for interview...
she got the job!
so fun ya?
at least i did a good deed while in this job...

vince's dropping by the studio on saturday next week...
dunnoe whether i can drop by as well annot...
would be fun...
lotsa food shots...
maybe we can dig in afterwards...
if the food stylist does not come and do make-up for the food...
got lotsa stuff to do next week...
dont think i wanna work on tues...
cant work on thurs...
not on friday either!
and i want a day to go shopping!
i need clothes...
big baggy t-shirts to hide how fat i've become...
2 months of NO exercise...
this is bad...
terrible to say the least...
but i want a t-shirt in the deep green i kinda like rite now...
it's a little bright...
but i think it's nice...
am starting to like puma stuff as well...
esp those i see during shoots in the studio..
the fashion stylist has got amazing taste...
wah liew...
i need shoes!
and a crash diet!

heard abt bed bugs in hostel beds..
scary thought...
itchy itchy...
will be staying in PGP's block 15...
level 6...
the higher the better for the fat people like me to lose weight...i
maybe i should just forget abt the lift...
hope i'll get nice neighbours...
maybe even one who cooks well?
maybe not...
looking forward to the experience...
let's hope its good...

alwin lai ki-ming's back in sg...
happy happy...
guy msged me while i was fast asleep on the couch...
i'm such a lazy pig..
will be great to see him again after so long...
still not sure whether we can meet tomorrow...
said he'll get back to me tonight...
still am keeping tmr free...
unless i can find myself a shopping buddy...
though i hate shopping in crowds...

was at uncle's place just now...
he dug up a number of old photo albums...
quite fun to see how everyone looked like when they were younger...
cute cousins who are cute no more....
uncles who looked ultra handsome in their younger times...
it was fun...
brings back good memories...
mom was so excited she was fighting with my 9 year old cousin over the albums...
cant blame her...
such are the stuff i miss whenever i choose to stay home over going over for such gatherings...
it is not bad really...
i have young cousins who would willingly give up their favourite cashew nut to me...
who tell me abt the game on their PC so fun that they HAVE to show it to me...
who bugs me to play chinese chess with them...
and ask me who are all the weird looking people in the photos...
utterly heartwarming..
i must do this more...
sometimes you dont knoe what you miss till you have a taste of it once again...


----Stef stopped rambling at 23:33
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