. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
vince taught me how to use the steamer on saturday...
it was quite fun actually...
burnt myself a number of times...
but i had to learn...
i am the 'stylist', remember?
but yeah...
i feel kinda lousy...
spoilt, to say the least...
i was never the kind who would do her own ironing...
much less steam someone else's outfit...
i din see myself under the mercy of the models though...
i could put them in reputation-slashing, fat-oozing tights if i choose to...
thats the power i wield...

until the clients go to their rescue about whether an alternative was viable...
back to the steamer...
vince was rather excited to show me how easy and effective it was...
it was really...
just that i dont do ironing enough to tell the difference...

talking about wardrobe...
had my share of wardrobe malfunctions as well...
not on me...
the talents in the shoot la...
try white tights and black thongs...
that was the ultimate...
had to give her something else altogether...
alot of the white stuff we borrowed were ruined by make-up and dirt, etc...
money money money...
protected the white nike polo with my life man...
made the guy wearing it to wear make-up only when he had the shirt on...
and to remove the make-up before he removes the shirt...
should have seen what happened to our umbro singlet...
it was a gone-case...

called the NKF thingy last nite from my hp...
sometimes i wonder whether i call to help the needy kids...
or call to win prizes and get discount coupons...
i think incentives kinda ruins the true meaning of charity...
one wonders whether the 5 million collected came from the hearts...
some of the stories last nite really tugged heartstrings...
already quite painful listening to their ordeals...
much less being the kids going thru all these...
i salute their bravery, courage, strength...
i've been a rather spoilt kid...
all 19 years of my life...
got lots to learn abt life...

been meeting people who dont look their age of late...
this indon chinese guy who looks 30ish but is 23...
this mixed guy who looks 16 but is my age...
and today, the ultimate...
"are you sure you're 20? you look 30..."
this indian guy had this air of maturity beyond his years...
totally droolworthy...
hopes he gets the job i'm pushing him for...
and lots more...
i'm learning stuff everyday man!
client was impressed by how smooth the shoot over the weekend was...
olivier looks extremely pleased...
i'm just glad it's over...
quite a nitemare really...
have a pre production meeting tomorrow...
not as prepared as i would like to be...
hope i can be more ready by lunch tmr...

desperately need sleep...
3pm today i was in dire need for coffee...
but couldnt step out to get my fix...
was expecting pple to come in for casting...
and chian, who was the only one in, was asleep on the couch...
dont dare wake him...
oh well...
poor guy's still recovering from flu...
at least he has a reason to knock out...

need sleep...
need to stay awake at work tomorrow...
esp at the meeting...
it happens to coincide with my afternoon nap time...
let's hope i'll manage to stay awake...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:22
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