. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
pure insanity...
my two rounds today clocked 17:03...
i'm dead...
thats even worse than the talk/laugh/joke jog with yb yesterdae...
now no excuses...
i think i'm just plain lousy...
thats like a deprovement of almost 2 whole minutes...
compared to when i was at my peak...
oh well...
i ought to go running more...
and stop ogling at other cute joggers...
there werent any today...
maybe thats why...

crazy turn of events...
i might be starting work somewhere on monday...
note the uncertainty...
coz once again, blur stef doesnt know...
huishan got me into something i dont really know abt...
but they're paying me 6.5 an hour...
without CPF i presume...
photography co. with ang moh boss...
other than the fact that i'll be meeting a pretty girl who will bring me to work on monday...
i know nuthing else...
but i know i trust hs enough...
just me to dive into unchartered waters once again...
let's hope they decide to employ me and that it'll be a good 6 weeks for us all...
but this doesnt really go with my apply-for-NUS-hostel and pick-up-wakeboarding plans...
oh well...
still keen on earning bucks...
till then...
need my dad to teach me everything he knows abt excel...
my excel truly sucks...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:26
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