. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
am dead tired...
but the oni barrier between me and my comfy bed...
is that hair will stick out like a duck if i sleep with it wet...
not as if it doesnt do that usually...
but it'll be worse than usual...
and i dont want that happening...

went for choir concert with my lao po, bernie...
sounds weird?
marriage dates back to secondary sch...
oh well..
crazy stuff...
one of my bestest buddies back there...
my toilet kaki...
my kopi bean and teh leaf study-buddy...
but we're straight alrite...
very much so...
thing is...
she was part of the choir that was top choir nationwide...
the year when TKGS swept top choir and top band both at once...
amazing stuff...
i think we were the powerpuff batch of TKGS...
sweeping choir, band, sailing, windsurfing, bowling...
something like dat...

even she thought the concert last nite was good...
they were, really...
two of my students even had solo parts in the musical which in the second half of the concert...
they were simply fantastic...

thing is...
it was the very first time i felt i belonged to MJC...
despite having taught here for almost 9 weeks already...
while i liked the school...
the sense of belonging wasnt there...
i was happy for their success, their achievement...
i guess when you have 8 students of yours singing in that very choir...
u kinda feel proud in saying...
"hey! thats my student!"
it was their pioneer choir...
but boy were they good...
nelson kwei was their instructor too...
and he was fantastic...
am totally in love with the songs blue moon and tea for two now..
and the musical trial by jury...
great stuff...
glad we managed to reach VCH on time...
we were slightly late...

thing is...
i met bernie at raffles place..
ran a couple of errands...
before getting stuck behind a guy buying 7 slices of cakes from kopi bean...
and insisting that the baristas packed them in a particular way...
the cakes are at 50% off...
give those tired pple a break would ya?!?!?
they're paid less than 4 bucks an hour ya know???

so we wasted some time there...
ate BK...
where i got a mushroom swiss when i asked for a big fish...
bernie and i were wondering whether it was a prb with my diction or the counterstaff's hearing...
but it was good too...
since it was a long time since i last had a mushroom swiss...
both walked out rather bloated...
we both knew that VCH was really near raffles place...
but din wanna take any chances considering we were 15 mins to opening...
so took a cab down...
prb was...
cabby was even blurrer than us...
oh well...
was on time...
but bernie, the blur nut, had to go to the ladies...
so we ended up late...
think the choir teacher i/c kinda wanted to scold us for being late...
until he realised that i was actually a teacher...
before flashing a coerced smile and showing us the way up...
talk abt double standards...
it IS my fault...
c'mon scold me!

just glad we din decide to pon the whole thing...

MJC choir...
you guys rock...
i really enjoyed myself...
thank goodness i bought da tickets...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:53
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