. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
made my way back from sch totally zombified...
was simply too tired...
and somehow...
the students werent helping...
lecture test on sat...
but their tutorial 10 was largely undone....
what on earth do they want me to do!??!!?
then they decide to space out during tutorial today...
but come up to me and ask if they can meet me tomorrow...
dont you think thats too late???
why should i stay back beyond my 5.5 hours just becoz someone decided to space out during my lesson and have me repeat it the day after???

i'll stay till 7 if they need me to...
only if they made full use of their tutorial time...
but still have doubts regarding questions i din go through with sufficient depth...
some even expect me to re-teach the whole lecture...
in 15 mins...
there is a reason why ur lecturers took an average of 7 lectures to finish one chapter...
coz as intelligent as we might appear to be...
we CANT conjure miracles...

some of them are still telling me covalent bonds are weak...
and cant even decide on simple shapes...
i shrudder at that thought...
212 was bad enough today...
wonder how would 208 be tomorrow...
thing is...
i really want them to do well...
all of them...
i'm just hoping the ones who made an effort would do well...
so that the ones who didnt would finally "wake up their idea"...
i know it's been a stressful couple of weeks for them...
but i need to see at least abit of affort...
i'm trying my darnest...
re-scheduling my burn-out to the end of next week...
God give me strength...

----Stef stopped rambling at 19:57
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