. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
was reading mitch albom's the five pple you meet in heaven...
and there was a line i found interesting...
have to paraphrase coz i cant rem it exactly...
but its something like being unable to talk so that one can begin to really listen...
maybe some of us really ought to start listening more than we talk...

tend to listen alot when ben and john indulges in their conversation...
dunnoe whether to consider myself eavesdropping...
or otherwise...
but i cant really excuse myself from hearing about their lives...
neither can i offer input of my own...
so in a way more queer than not...
i actually stay quiet...
surprise of the century...

realised i've been blogging alot these days...
probably a sign that my life's really becoming...
kinda slow...
i dunnoe...
dad said i'm kinda stressed...
esp the way i sleep...
very violent...
coz in the morning my pillows end up on the floor...
my legs hanging down the sides of the bed..
and my head on either pikachiu's head or minnie mouse's legs...
crazy stuff...

----Stef stopped rambling at 21:37
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