. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i've been blogging truckloads...
but i really cant help it...
i dont speak of really profound stuff...
or things really noteworthy...
these entries are kinda a way for me to think back abt my day...
like a review...
like a report...
still think i'm kinda exhibitionistic...
if that word exists...
and if you're looking for the word in the dictionary...
i'm definitely not talking abt the defination that says it has something to do with the compulsive exposure of the genitals in public...

am into the 2nd person in The Five People you meet in Heaven...
been reading in segments...
days have got a little too fatigued for me to fully digest and appreciate a good book from cover to cover...

person 2 spoke of sacrifice...
how eddie's captain shot eddie in the leg just so they could pull him to safety...
away from the fire, from enemy ground...
how captain walked ahead of their truck to check for safety...
only to step on a landmine...
blasting himself to death...
but saving 3 of his men...
including eddie...
something eddie never got to know...
the sacrifice his captain made for them...
losing his own life...
but saving 3 others...

will you ever know if someone out there made a sacrifice for you?
will you meet that very person in heaven?

person 2's story mentioned something interesting as well...
stef's ability to paraphrase is non-existent...
but it goes something like...
"dying is not an end...
living is just the beginning...
life in heaven is probably just a continuation from life itself...
like an appendix...
like the story of adam and eve...
when the Adam's first day on earth ended...
he thought he was going to leave earth as he fell asleep...
but what he never knew was that he had a fresh new earth to work with the next day...
and most importantly...
he had yesterday..."

i think that ended rather beautifully..
just try to disregard how terrible it sounds after being paraphrased by me...
how many of us actually treasure that yesterday?
i think yesterday is something much more valuable than most of us think it is...
without yesterday...
you wouldnt have today...
much less a tomorrow...
but many choose to forget yesterday...
why forget?
when yesterday contrives today...
today contrives tomorrow...
and a better tomorrow is what we're all trying to have...
like i mentioned...
"no experience is a bad one...
just as long as you learnt something out of it..."


----Stef stopped rambling at 22:37
--Link to Post

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