. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
thank the powers above!
i passed my basic theory!

*stef breaks out into song and dance*
really really thought i was going to fail...
but at least this means that i'm better at ben k. at something...
regardless of how insignificant this ONE thing is...

finished another set of p1 and p2 worksheets today...
boss commended my work...
at least he din make me re-do!
i'll just die ah...
but i modified alot of questions...
added my own two-cents worth...
in a bid to make it more...
and to teach everything that i think a p1/p2 needs to know...
i hope i did ok....

am going jogging later...
i dunnoe how serious mr koh is when he said he's joining me...
but oh well...
mr koh or no mr koh...
i'm gonna have to shed some weight...
the sudden hiatus on my physical training...
and no change to my diet...
will probably kill me...
must run!
must run!

hair's sticking out like a duck today...
must be the fact that i slept with my hair quite wet last nite...
bo pian...
really very tired...
and i have no idea why either...

results for AI3's grp 3 is gonna be out tonight...
fantastic stuff...
better dont miss it!

*back to tuesdays with morrie*

oh ya...
realised something....
i'm really sensitive to grammatical errors in people's speech and blog these days...
its not that my grammar or spelling is flawless ya...
coz it is NOT...
but ever since i had to go so deep into the fundamentals of the english language...
minor grammar mistakes really hit me in the face...
so i try to be more careful than ever...

----Stef stopped rambling at 15:09
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