. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
spent some time re-doing some of the worksheets i drafted some days ago...
to satisfy the little perfectionist in me...
and also to prevent mr koh from blacklisting me...
he is finally back today...
from malaysia...
bought all of us tau sa piah to bring home...
never really liked those things...
but i guess at least someone...
among the other 8 pple at home with me...
would like having those for breakfast or something...

had trouble waking up today really...
alarm rang at 7...
coz i was thinking of going for a jog before work....
but i woke up realising that sleep was ten times more impt...
and the fact that i had insomnia for most of the nite...
i think i should sleep while i can...
set alarm again to 8am...
laid ard in bed...
before finally jumping out at 0810...
pulling out my new giordano junior tee which i totally adore...
my extra large pair of jeans...
the size 31 one...
which i have to desperately fasten using a belt...
its way too big...
but i love the cut and the feel...
too bad!

it was a tad weird...
my dressing alternates between smart casual and sloppy everyday...
as long as i feel comfy...
i get my work done...
i dont think anyone should have any complaints...
but i think i shouldn't start wearing skirts..
the way i sit cross legged on the chair while updating stuff in microsoft access...
the way i knee/sit/squat on the floor with the books/wrkshts/files sprewed all over the place....
the way i kick/stab/punch/slam the xerox machine...
i think i should stick to pants/jeans...

now i double up as personal trainer for my boss as well...
his reservist coming up..
and he desperately needs to train up...
oh well...
i guess i need the exercise as well...
and cant let him down ya???
he even went to get shoes...
just as long he doesnt call me xiao3 niu2 again...
i'd be glad...

was walking home abt 2200...
ben k. was still working...
said he'll call me back...
which he did..
when i was in the bath...
talked a little when i got back to him...
but guy was going clubbing...
talk abt energizer batteries!
was supposed to go zouk with my TK friends tonite...
but ney...
i guess my parents still cant let go...
Mt Faber conviction still in effect...
i better not try appeal my case...
lest i get a harsher sentence...
what can actually be worse than grounded till the end of time?
i dunnoe...

so i know not to tell them where we went in pattaya...
i think they'll just flip...
a few times over...
there's just so many things my parents dont know abt me...
in fact...
things that no one actually knows...
i guess i should let it stay that way...
it's for the better...
but its true that i really want to see wad nitelife in sg is really like?
reckon its better i see/know now...
when my friends, too, are feeling their way ard...
than later....
i'm still the good kid who stays at home k???
luckily i have no compelling urge to savour the nitelife...
nor get drunk...
or dance the nite away...
though i wanna take a peek for myself...
all that eugene t. told me...
and see what its all abt...

AI3 was amazing today...
the voices...
the performances were spectacular....
probably the best round3 ever...
i like the hobbit guy..
and my favourite guy from haWAii...
with the WA said impactfully...
but really...
the girls were superb as well...
if you din catch it...
get cable...
ben k. said they air it there too...

went sakae with family in the afternoon...
pre-birthday celebration for bro...
ate alot...
but man!
i love salmon...
thats also why i need to run tomorrow...

glad u enjoyed the coffee, ben k...
i'm halfway thru tuesdays with morrie liaoz...
you'll probably get that soon as well...

the book is entirely enchanting...
wanna include some excerpts in the entry...
but ney...
my mind is threatening shut down...
i'm drained...
never knew writing worksheets is this tough...
so is data entry...
*kudos to all*
just pray i wont be insomniac again...
that vacuums as well...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:41
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