. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
yesterdae kinda rained pretty heavily around midnite...
it was the very first time i actually felt scared...
that the rain was falling so heavy and hard...
cool wind blowing against my neck...
it felt a little spooky...
wanted so much to cuddle in da bed...
under the comforter...
i guess thats why they named it that...

was playing yahoo pool with YXY...
think we won equal no of games la...
but idiot guy started out with 1100+ plus...
me almost 1400...
so kinda lost quite alot of points to him...
big fat idiot...
though he's quite skinny actually...
but that guy's good...
i won the others based on luck oni...

dun understand something...
some pple i sms dont reply my sms...
and i dont reply some pple who sms me...
its like just kinda waiting for that ONE sms...
disregarding the rest...
i feel mean...
but thats me...
thats the way the world goes...

suddenly feels as if i have very few good frenz...
like after physics paper...
dad calls me and tells me that there's no food at home...
and luke saying he couldnt pick me coz he's having guests at home from abroad...
i was a little lost...
bestest buds all have their own lives liaoz...
and seems like i'm slowing losing hold of the rest...
is this growing up???
i dunnoe..
if thats the case i dun want to...
i wanna things like before...
...chiong-ing gelares on tuesdays for icecream waffles...
...packing into the little kopitiam beside the church for teh and kaya toasts...
...sitting on the floor at 4th level parkway eating takeaways...
...sharing one delifrance set between 3 of us even though its not lunch/breakfast/dinner...
...hanging out at coffeebean/starbucks just sipping at the fraps...
...taking up tables at AMK central just swallowing AJ ice...
...steamboats at our fellow bballer's place...

been having lotsa funny dreams lately...
me being a demon catcher...
with my partner whose face i cant really rem...
damn exciting lor...
even better than charmed...
then something pretty crazy yesterdae as well..
but somehow...
remember all these rather vividly...
dont used to remember dreams this well...
am sleeping a little violent as well...
pillow ends up half the room away...
soft toys sprewed all over the place...
and my head at the other end of the bed...
i seem to be blaming stress for everything...

better end this...
before they reject this entry saying its too long!

----Stef stopped rambling at 13:59
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