. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
woke up real early today....
go to pray with my family...
then went for my fav raw fish at maxwell market...
i did something quite bad actually....
called my bro, 'horrible spoilt brat...'
thats 3 insults in one breath...

but i said that half jest-half anger...
coz that guy purposely left half his food, which happened to be not nice, for my mom to finish...
and was going to get something else...
i mean...
wads he doing treating her like a rubbish bin???
mom advocates finishing up our food even if its not nice...
as long as its edible...
it should alwaz be finished..
that explains my size...
so my point was that he shouldnt be making use of that fact...
and bullying my mom...

he started crying...

that ruined my attempt to make a logical and reasonable rebuke...
had to console him...
say i'm sorry and wad not...
wad to do???
he IS my bro...
and my bro is forever the sensitive freak...
if there's a prize for youngest SNAG...
he'll be da one man...

----Stef stopped rambling at 11:54
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