. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
was talking to sweet sweet shufang yesterdae during the wedding...
when we were waiting till the cows ALMOST came home for the thing to start...
taught me how Murphy's Law worked...
and i kinda blamed that for all the yucky stuff the past few days la...
things hasnt been so bad actually...
just that the ant better call soon or i'll...
he'll get it from me la...

maybe its just that when u are down...
everything tends to hit you a little more i guess..
its like when u are sick...
your immune system tends to be down...
and susceptible to more illnesses i guess...
hope things will start to look up for me soon....
i need it to be...
wanna leave for pattaya with a smile on my face...
and though i'll probably come back with burnt skin and all...
i pray that it'll be a trip where i can get some thinking done....
and of course...
get my skills up from zilch...
train stronger...
both mentally and physically...
and push my endurance level...

andrew mentioned b4...
that in our sport...
we should be able to complete a triathlon...
at our peak...
with relative ease...
i hope he din mean the Ironman...
but seriously...
am making that my long term goal...
by the time i'm 20...
i wanna join a triathlon...
i neednt win anything...
completing will be my utmost aim...

----Stef stopped rambling at 22:10
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