. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
was at library today...
read economist...us news...and a book on abortion...
the last one left a huge impression on me...
but wad was most disturbing...
was the methods of abortion...
stuff done during the first trimester was actually bad enuff...
suction of the fetus..
which isnt full formed yet...
but reading on to the induced abortion...
it was horrid...
i cringed with every word read...
dun think i can even regurgitate it here...
coz i dont think its even logical...
much less ethical....
they actually induce birth...
get the fetus' legs out first...
leaving oni the head in the womb...
pierce a hole at the back of the little baby's head...
and drain out the fluid...
so that the head can collapse...
and the baby can then be removed...
i used the word, baby...
not fetus...
this is infanticide man...
why would anyone carry the baby to almost full term then decide to end its life in such a terrible way???
how would the baby feel???
will it feel pain???
will it cry???
first trimester abortion is already bad enough...
but at least the fetus is not THAT developed...
i advocate pro-life...
like most pple staunch in their religion would...
but i would not deny that abortion can sometimes be an undeniable choice...
due to different circumstances each person gets caught in...
it is by itself a painful choice...
and i guess they should be given the benefit of doubt...
that much thot...conscience...consideration is supplied to their decision...

enuff of food-for-thought...

----Stef stopped rambling at 20:21
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