. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
totally couldnt sleep last nite..
the insomnia lasted till ard 4am i think...
just hope it doesnt happen before my maths paper next mon...
i'll just freak out and die...

*new addition*
was surprised to see ant online though...
can you imagine?!?!?!
at 0230 hrs!?!?!
siao guy...
to think he has to be at work the next day...
kinda reminds me of when i would chat with blaz till the wee hours of the morning...
then i'll start falling asleep at every other lesson...
and him...
locking himself in the office with the back of the chair turned to the window at the door...
eat snake yes...
but who's to say anything???
oni person bigger than him in the office would be the CEO...
which happened to be his dad...
i guess that's one of the perks of having a silver spoon in mouth...
...u get to sleep in the office...
without getting fired...

am supposed to study...
but stuck on friendster...
trying to add the 20th SC...
even though its ultra laggy rite now...
probably blog again later...
will hit the books soon..

----Stef stopped rambling at 10:09
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