. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
today's papers were bad...
totally i guess...
was on bus...
wanted so much to have someone i could call and scream at...
but stopped myself just in time...
before i make some stupid prank call...
so just stared out of the windows of the bus and spaced out a little...
in J1...
seldom would i go home alone...
though i like solitude very much...
was usually in sch till very late...
or there'll be lala ard...
whose company i appreciate a little more than solitude...
but as i grow old...
by the year...
solitude doesnt seem that comfortable anymore...
i cant say why...
but there's a kinda emptiness of having pple ard you...
and yet not have anyone ard u...
post-horrible-paper crap...
pardon me...

saw this aj couple in the bus...
*scratch head*
i thot i alwaz see them together...
but they were seated at seperate ends of the bus...
have they....???
who am i to speculate???

was looking out at the road..
then saw a scrambler speeding down the road...
kinda got me thinking how long it was since i was last on a bike...
missed the feeling of me resting my head on his shoulders....
maybe even sleeping...
holding on to him with dear life...
while he takes me to school...

came back home...
switched frenster on...
kinda searched for him...
found him when i typed his email that i vaguely rem...
wonder if he would add me...
knowing him...
maybe he'd rather not have me included in his grp of 3 frens...
think he just joined frenster...
we'll see ya?

----Stef stopped rambling at 19:24
--Link to Post

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