. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
today wake up so early...
to go buy the wet suits...
spent like 400 bucks in one day...
bought a wetsuit...80 bucks...
long sleeved lycra top...50 bucks...
board bag....150 bucks...
spares and accessories...80 bucks...
andrew got a little pissed that we took so long..
came to pick us up at constantwind...
then he drove us down to nsc...
u know andrew la...
one cant get angry with him for long...
even if u bu shuang him...
he start cracking some lame joke that usually is funny...
then u'll forget that you bu shuang him one...
thats why...
damn difficult to be angry with him...
good thing or bad...

damn funnie la today...
coz i din bring clothes to change...
then raining...
so borrowed andrew's quiksilver shorts...
wore my new lycra...
hate that thing...
damn tight..
but it has to be that way...
went out to PFSSC to look for my boom and harness..
then got back on shore...
andrew took off the shirt he was wearing then pass to me...
ask me wear..
think my fats showing in the tight lycra man...
and he buay ta han
but sweet gesture though...
felt warmer with his ultra big shirt...
trapped air mah...
but seriously...
think i kinda looked like him then...
though shoulders abit narrower...
but shorts and shirt all his lor...

got two new rigs and boards coming in today...
those are for the two selected to go india in january...
for the asian sailing championships...
chances of me going, zero...
but it din stop me from drooling at the seamless boards man..
damn chio...
told parents abt the possibility on the way home..
abt india in january..
they kinda talked abt the latest bombings in india...
actually they were really hesitant abt letting me go penang and pattaya...
india will be a bigger problem....
even if i can make it lor...
still will work hard in thailand man...
been slacking for months liaoz...
time for me to burn some fat man!

oh ya...
bro's best fren's bro...
replied on friendster lor..
and he is damn nice also...
coz i was saying i never really saw him before...
though he oni lives 4 floors above me..
then suggested meeting up at library someday or something...
i going thailand...
so anything would have to come later anyways...

actually got alot of things to blog one..
but i really too tired...
then eyes wanna close for the day liaoz...
me trying to set up msn for myself...
sis says most internet cafes have msn...
so maybe i should get an acc...
so that i can ramble to them from pattaya...
will try..
have the whole nite to do it..
if my eyes dun shut down before my PC does...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:55
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