. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
seniors was talking to us abit last nite...
abt the pattaya trip...
telling us to better xiao xin...
coz like all sailors most of them 'smoke like funnels, drink like fishes...
and so far...oni coach andrew womanises...'
but on a serious note....
they really make u guys drink one lor...
what if i cant drink???
and not like coach's gonna save me lor...
he'll be dead drunk by then...
idiotic guy gets drunk every chance he gets...
and know the scary thing?!??!
wanqi wont be joining me till the 6th...
so thinking abt it...
i will be bunking alone from the 1st till the 6th...
if someone were to knock on the door...
i'll just freak out and die there...
andrew was saying tat if i really scared...
i could bunk with him...
and i was like...
yeah rite...
i scared-er of you...

but seriously...
am considering...
coz nuthing spooks me more than funny shadows and knocking on doors...
and never really had to sleep alone in a foreign land b4...
not even in sg...
usually i haf loads of pple ard...
even at home...
i sleep with my sibs...

----Stef stopped rambling at 14:52
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