. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
paper today was relatively easy...
am so glad...
but made quite a few glaring mistakes...
think was a tad complacent...
but paradoxically...
stressed up at the very same time...
finished the paper in 2 hrs flat...
out of the stipulated 3...
but spent the bulk of the time checking qns that were indeed correct...
but left out those with the mistakes...
but i guess such things happen...
paper is so freaking easy that i think they'll moderate downwards...
hope i still can get an A or something...
oh yah...
still must wait for p2...

maths is my only hope...

wore my specs today...
tink i'm getting reliant on it again...
coz when i took it off...
really blur...
but astig glasses are supposed to help correct it...
so hope it does me good...

probably head for the library now...
hazelnut ice blended...
here i come...

----Stef stopped rambling at 13:37
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