. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
this is official...
i'm really freaking out abt the trip...
there is just so much to be done before it...
and i have totally no time!!!
think i lost my harness anyway...
i dun know where to find it...
and gawd...
it costs at least 60 bucks...
i must find it!!!
i have oni one free day to pack the stuff...
and i oni mean equipment...
weekend at some carnival at sentosa where we all have to attend...
think i've to start doing up stuff at home liaoz...
looking for my swimsuit...
my shorts...
my sunblocks...
and i still need to study for the paper on thurs....
think i'm driving myself crazy...
will have to study extra hard today...
coz going out with the guys to replenish our tool box and buy the spares tomorrow...
and oh ya...
the wetsuit...
and i havent got to stuff i need to buy before the trip ya???

will get down to books now...
and start praying that luke will be a willing chauffeur for me tmr...
need to make the most out of tmr!!!

----Stef stopped rambling at 12:54
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