. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
my life at the moment is going thru a thorough revamp...
even me, myself (or i..) cant make anything out of it...
it is totally unlike myself...
me acting out of character to let it all continue the way it is...
but i really cant explain....
my feelings...
my thoughts...
my emotions...
i dunnoe what to make out of all of it...
but somehow he makes it feel all so correct...
like it was all meant to be this way...
it's going too fast...
a speed that i really cant accept...
coz i cant see wad good he sees in me...
and yet he's able to overlook all my flaws...
he's just too good to be true...
cant understand...
maybe i'm not supposed to...
but i dont want to be led somewhere by the heart...
only to reach a cliff that descends beyonds anyone imagination...
i've fallen...
i know what it feels...
i hated the feeling...
i dun wanna fall again...
we dont have much time between us...
i'm leaving for thailand in a couple of weeks...
and he leaving for china while i'm in thailand...
maybe i should stop thinking that he's the one..
coz he probably isnt...
i'm only 18...
maybe we'll review everything when he comes back in a couple of years...
maybe i'll be ready then...

----Stef stopped rambling at 11:56
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