. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
met mr lim kw at the mall...
was having dinner there with my family...
and him with his wife i think...
din know..
but he told me he staying in punggol...
he damn nice lor...
before he left...
he came over to wish me all the best for the exams...
i mean...
what teacher would actually do that???
plus the fact that he has been really nice throughout my stay in AJ...
with the camelpak...
my competition paperwork and all...
really owe him alot...
but havent given him anything back in return...
feel bad...
but i will definitely come back to AJ and visit him ya???
coz he's one of the best teachers i ever had...
though ironically...
he never taught me b4...

luke's gonna cook for me tomorrow...
i know it sounds damn funny...
with the obvious role reversal....
but it started out as a joke on my side...
coz i'm sick...
he readily agreed...
though i dun really know what i put myself into...
wad if it cant be eaten???
wad if i get food poisoning???
but its a sweet thought...
will relish every bite...
he has been really great i must say...
coming down from bukit batok almost everyday for me...
cant help but feel moved...

thought i saw my 'long-lost' cousin on friday...
when i was at the clinic...
with an angmoh bf...
din really get to confirm it was her...
but i was quite sure it was...
like my dad says...
she oni looks me up when she needs favours...
last time i saw her being the time she needed free labour...
for a company event at shangri-la hotel....
and i became a free gift wrapper....

i guess thats the way the world revolves...
most pple taking without giving...
and some people being obviously exploited...
but willingly as well...
i guess i belong in the latter...
being exploited willingly...
call me stupid/dumb/crazed...
but i guess thats the oni way to keep the natural balance in this warped world we live in...

----Stef stopped rambling at 19:56
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