. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

-- Name: stef...
-- Birth date: 23 september 1985
-- Birthplace: Gleneagles Hospital....not sure how to spell though...
-- Current Location: singapore...ya?
-- Eye Color: brown..cant really see...
-- Hair Color: black...
-- Height: 1.59m..abt there la...this is wat i choose to believe...
-- Righty or Lefty: righty...
-- Zodiac Sign: virgo or libra...depends on mood...


-- The shoes you wore today: havent went out for today...but would probably put on sandals later...
-- Your weakness: too emotional...
-- Your fears: sharks...creepy crawlies...lightning/thunder...
-- Your perfect pizza: hmmm...havent seen a fish pizza ard, have you?
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: learn kickboxing or some martial art by next year...


-- Your most overused phrase(s) on MSN: have to be iRC...erm...'harroz'!?
-- Your thoughts first waking up: 5 MORE MINS!!!...
-- Your best physical feature: darn...none seem to make the mark...
-- Your bedtime: range between 8pm to 4am...
-- Your most missed memory: sitting on the swing...while my dad works hard to get it moving...


-- In love?: define...i do love my family though...


-- Smoke: dont think i will ever...but who's to know???
-- Cuss: wads this??? concussion??? never before...
-- Sing: in the bathroom...in the car...in the lift...
-- Take a shower everyday: about twice a day lah...but the first one i usually hide in the toilet only...bluff my mommy...
-- Have a crush: duh...so many...haley joel osment...sean connery...so many!!!
-- Do you think you've been in love: i thot it was la...but whether it was...is another story...
-- Want to go to college: erm...thats where everyone is expected to end up rite?? one way or another...
-- Like(d) high school: hmm...pretty much...its fine la...
-- Believe in yourself: i lie too much...kinda hard to believe myself ya???
-- Get motion sickness: yup...sitting backwards in da bus...horrid...and i'm supposed to be a sailor...=P

-- Think you're attractive: nah...not a chance...
-- Think you're a health freak?: man...i eat all the crap stuff lor...if anyone were to die of heart disease...i'm one of them!
-- Get along with your parent(s): lurve them to teeny weeny bits!
-- Like thunderstorms: scared of thunder...cringe when i see lightning......
-- Play an instrument: tried to play the guitar...failed terribly...


In the past month...

-- drank alcohol: erm...nope...good student...
-- Smoked: not before...
-- Done a drug: painkillers count???
-- Had Sex: hah...*dead serious* no...
-- Made Out: hah...*raise eyebrows* wad do you think?
-- Gone on a date: does makan with ur fren count???
-- Gone to the mall?: for lunch, dinner, supplies...
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nah...heard they're bad for u!
-- Eaten sushi: yupz...
-- Been on stage: erm...a little more than one month ago la...
-- Been dumped: yes yes...dustbin not big enough oni...
-- Gone skating: nope...rather be surfing though...



-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: hmmm...nah...
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: nope....
-- been caught "doing something": dont think so...regardless of wad the something might be...
-- Been called a tease: think so...but wad does it mean??
-- Got beaten up: erm...by jing??
-- Shoplifted: nopez...i'd rather pay...
-- Changed who you were to fit in: nah...


-- Age you hope to be married: 27?
-- Numbers and Names of Children: i like the name harold...jaysen...wait...why all guys???
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: hawaii!!!
-- How do you want to die: painlessly...
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: policewoman!


In the opposite sex:

-- Best eye color?: brown...duh...think i'll be rather freaked by green eyes...
-- Best hair color?: rum...darn cool lor...
-- Short or long hair: short la...guy leh!
-- Height: >175...
-- Best weight: 68?
-- Best articles of clothing: casual shirts...
-- Best first date location: beach...its a casual thing ya???
-- Best first kiss location: *shrugs* this kinda thing got location one meh??? i, for one, dun advocate PDA...

----Stef stopped rambling at 00:13
--Link to Post

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